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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation

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General publications21 June 2023
9th NFP International Meeting - Photo Coverage 3/3

9th NFP International Meeting - Photo Coverage 3/3

US_UN 1540_David Theard
Presentation21 June 2023
1540 Committee’s Assistance matchmaking mechanism
  • Speaker: David Théard
  • Affiliation: Coordinator of the Group of experts, United Nations Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540
US_Todd Perry
Presentation21 June 2023
Implications for State-Level UNSCR 1540 Implementation as updated by the UNSCR 2663 (2022) Mandate
  • Speaker: Todd Perry
  • Affiliation: U.S. Special Coordinator for UNSCR 1540, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Counter-Proliferation Initiatives
US_Kenneth Deal & Alice Rena
Presentation21 June 2023
Toolkit on Effective CBRN Planning and Response for Policymakers and CBRN Managers
  • Speaker: Kenneth Deal1, Alice Rena2
  • Affiliation: Team Chief, Foreign Consequence Management Program, U.S. Department of State1; UNICRI2
UNODC_Maria Sobrado
Presentation21 June 2023
UNODC’s CBRN Terrorism Prevention Programme: achievements, ongoing work, synergies and legislative and technical assistance
  • Speaker: Maria Lorenzo Sobrado
  • Affiliation: Head of the CBRN Terrorism Prevention Programme, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
UNODA_Melanie Gerber
Presentation21 June 2023
Capacity-building projects in support of the universalization and implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention
  • Speaker: Melanie Gerber
  • Affiliation: Political Affairs Officer, Biological Weapons Convention Team, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
UNOCT_Maria Rettori
Presentation21 June 2023
Countering Terrorist Use of Weapons Programme - United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
  • Speaker: Maria Eugenia Rettori
  • Affiliation: Head of Unit, Preventing and Responding to Weapons of Mass Destruction/CBRN Terrorism Unit, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)
Germany_Silke Bellman
Presentation21 June 2023
The German Biosecurity Programme
  • Speaker: Silke Bellmann
  • Affiliation: Deputy Head of Division for Chemical and Biological Weapons Disarmament and Director of the German Biosecurity Programme
Estonia_Kai Kaljula
Presentation21 June 2023
Experiences from the creation of the CBRN Steering Board in Estonia
  • Speaker: Kai Kaljula
  • Affiliation: Head of CBRN Steering Board, Estonia
Canada_Timothy Edwards_2
Presentation21 June 2023
Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction / Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program
  • Speaker: Timothy Edwards
  • Affiliation: Director of the Weapons Threat Reduction Program, Global Affairs Canada