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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation


Currently, 100+ projects have been implemented and 24 are ongoing in the 8 regions. Browse below to discover projects addressing issues ranging from bio-safety, security risk management and forensic capacities through to CBRN import/export monitoring

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Projects (105)

Showing results 90 to 100

Promoting good practice and inter-agency procedures for assessing the risks of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear misuse

Project locations
Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Cambodia, Jordan, Laos, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia, Singapore, Vietnam
CoE Region
  • AAF - African Atlantic Façade
  • MIE - Middle East
  • NAS - North Africa and Sahel
  • SEA - Southeast Asia
  • SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

Development of e-learning courses for CBRN risk mitigation

Project locations
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Cambodia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Georgia, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar/Burma, North Macedonia, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
CoE Region
  • AAF - African Atlantic Façade
  • CA - Central Asia
  • ECA - Eastern and Central Africa
  • MIE - Middle East
  • NAS - North Africa and Sahel
  • SEA - Southeast Asia
  • SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

National Response Plan in Lebanon for CBRN Events

Project locations
CoE Region
  • MIE - Middle East

Prerequisite to strengthening CBRN national legal frameworks

Project locations
Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines
CoE Region
  • SEA - Southeast Asia

Guidelines, procedures and standardisation on bio-safety/bio-security

Project locations
Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Moldova, North Macedonia, Philippines, Serbia, Thailand
CoE Region
  • SEA - Southeast Asia
  • SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

Knowledge development and transfer of best practice on chemical and biological waste management

Project locations
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar/Burma, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
CoE Region
  • SEA - Southeast Asia

Knowledge development and transfer of best practice on CBRN import/export monitoring

Project locations
Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
CoE Region
  • AAF - African Atlantic Façade
  • CA - Central Asia
  • MIE - Middle East
  • NAS - North Africa and Sahel

Inter-agency CBRN Response Programme (ICP)

Project locations
Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Croatia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar/Burma, North Macedonia, Philippines, Serbia, Ukraine, Vietnam
CoE Region
  • SEA - Southeast Asia
  • SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

Knowledge development and transfer of best practice on bio-safety/bio-security/bio-risk management

Project locations
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Brunei, Cambodia, Croatia, Gabon, Georgia, Laos, Libya, Mauritania, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar/Burma, North Macedonia, Philippines, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam
CoE Region
  • AAF - African Atlantic Façade
  • NAS - North Africa and Sahel
  • SEA - Southeast Asia
  • SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

Building Capacity to identify and respond to threats from Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear substances (CBRNcap)

Project locations
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Philippines, Serbia, Thailand