“Jeyran” field exercise successfully carried out in Uzbekistan - European Union
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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • 16 November 2019
  • Tashkent
  • Joint Research Centre
  • 2 min read

The “JEYRAN” exercise has been successfully performed in Uzbekistan, in November 2019

By Otabek KASIMOV – EU CoE CBRN Regional Secretariat for Central Asia. The “Jeyran” exercises scenario was developed by the organisational and working group [...]



“The name, ‘Jeyran’, of the exercise was highly appropriate:  you can find Jeyran also in Pakistan, it is a national animal, and it can also be found in Afghanistan. It is an animal eating the snakes, and terrorists are the snakes”.

(Dr. Tahir, Pakistan)

The “Jeyran” exercises scenario was developed by the organisational and working group (DEVCO and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan) together with the representative of the European company ENCO (Poland) and consisted of four logically connected parts, which demonstrated the interconnected response and coordinated actions of state structures in the event of terrorist threats, with the use of chemical and biological agents, as follows:

  • obtaining information on the import of hazardous substances into the country, identifying dangerous goods at a border crossing and covert surveillance of them, identifying the place of their delivery (underground laboratory), with the simultaneous creation and organisation of operations of the operational headquarters;
  • capture, inspection and disinfection of the laboratory, unintended bottling of hazardous substances and their identification, disinfection of the distribution site of hazardous substances and people with their equipment;
  • the identification of other accomplices and intentions, their capture in an attempt to carry out a terrorist attack in a densely populated area, the neutralization of an improvised explosive device in the field;
  • the prevention of a prepared terrorist attack in the cinema
    of a large shopping and entertainment centre, with organisation
    of cordon and evacuation of people from the venue, plus detection, processing, removal and disposal of improvised explosive devices.



At the same time, it should be especially noted that all events were as close as possible to real ones, where the available forces and means were used, including robotics and specially trained dogs. One specialist from each country, which are Afghanistan, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, participated at conducted exercises as players.

The exercises were commanded by the Deputy Commander of the National Guard and coordinated by the acting chairman of the State Committee on Industrial Safety.

At the same time, a demonstration of special equipment,
a contingent of forces and specialists, their equipment, as well as familiarization with the Civil Protection Institute of the Ministry
of Emergency Situations was organised during the exercises.

Such exercises conducted in the Republic of Uzbekistan are unprecedented and the first in Central Asia, as they differ in
a scenario with deep development, where an important element was the provision of chemical and biological safety by the joint coordinated efforts of the relevant ministries and departments.

To conclude the exercises, foreign observers and the organizational and working group of the exercises summed up the results. It was especially noted that more than 250 employees and 235 weapons and special equipment of power and specialized structures of ministries and departments were involved in the exercises. Foreign experts and observers praised the exercises and suggested organizing similar mixed exercises, but on a regional scale.

In general, the exercises improved professionalism and practical skills of employees, as well as preparedness of forces and means of ministries and departments to harmonious and coordinated action to combat chemical and biological threats of a terrorist nature.

A ceremony of awarding prizes and certificates to the outstanding participants who demonstrated high professionalism and practical skills was held for completing the exercises.

Photo credits: EU CBRN CoE Central Asia Regional Secretariat


Publication date
16 November 2019
Joint Research Centre