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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • News article
  • 5 April 2023
  • Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
  • 3 min read

Morocco advances establishment of national export control system for dual-use goods

Morocco EU P2P
© CHUTTERSNAP under CC Unsplash License.

Some goods and technology produced by the civilian industry and characterized by higher performances – for instance, because of their physical, chemical, or thermal properties – have become part of our daily life, bringing benefits in many areas, such as human health, agriculture, telecommunications, and transportation. These goods and technology go from nuclear energy used in power plants, chemicals used in agriculture or the cleaning industry, semiconductors used in almost all of nowadays' electric devices, to maritime and aerospace applications.

However, these same goods and technology have as well military applications. Therefore, depending on the user, dual-use items risk of being "misused", notably for the development, production or use of weapons of mass destruction, or for the violation of human rights. To counter these risks, establishing an effective export control system that prevents malicious actors from accessing dual-use items is of paramount importance for international peace and security.

Committed to counter any dual-use good related risks, Morocco adopted in December 2020 a Law (No. 42-18) on the control of the export and import of dual-use goods for civilian and military services. The text, that represents a milestone in the establishment of the Moroccan strategic trade control system on dual-use items, lays down the legal basis for the execution of controls on the export, import, transit, brokering and provision of technical assistance of dual-use goods and related services.

In July 2022, Morocco continued strengthening its national export control system for dual-use goods with the enactment of a Decree (no. 2-21-346 of 21 hija 1443, 21 July 2022) implementing the above mentioned Law (no. 42-18). The Decree specified some fundamental elements of the national control system such as the types of licenses and the composition of the national Commission in charge of analysing the license applications.

Currently, Morocco is working on the finalization of the remaining implementing regulations so that the national law can enter into full force. One of the main milestones to come is the adoption of Morocco’s national control list of dual-use goods, for which there is reportedly a consensus in favour of a list modelled according to the international control list consolidated and codified by the European Union. Meanwhile, the Moroccan government is committed to raising awareness of the new legislation among national industries involved in the trade of dual-use goods.

Supporting the establishment and consolidation of effective strategic trade control systems for dual-use goods

Morocco’s achievements in strengthening its national law on the control of dual-use goods are the result of an international multi-agency collaboration in the framework of the European Union (EU) Partner to Partner (P2P) Export Control Programme for Dual Use Goods. Since 2007, the EU P2P Programme has supported the country in establishing an effective strategic trade control system for dual-use goods that will enable long-term cooperation and economic benefits across borders. 

Particularly, the advances reflected above were made possible through the EU P2P - EU CBRN CoE Project 64. Throughout five years (2017 – 2023), this project has supported the strengthening of dual use goods export controls systems in multiple Partner Countries across the South-East Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, and North Africa regions. Project 64 has been implemented by various EU Member States' authorities and bodies united in a consortium led by Expertise France (the French Agency for International Cooperation), with the support of the French Dual-Use Export Control Office, the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs, the University of Liège, and King’s College of London.

To learn more about how the EU P2P is contributing to the establishment, consolidation or update of effective strategic trade control systems for dual-use goods around the world, please visit the EU P2P export control programme website


Publication date
5 April 2023
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
CBRN areas
  • Border control and monitoring
  • Denying support for misuse and terrorism
  • Illicit trafficking
  • Import/export control
  • Safety and security
  • Transit and trans-shipment control
CBRN categories
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear
CoE Region
  • AAF - African Atlantic Façade