- Identification
- ISSN 1831-9424, JRC126272
- Publication date
- 1 April 2021
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
- Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
- Newsletter EUP2P
We are pleased to welcome you to Issue N. 11 of the EU P2P Newsletter concerning the period from April 2020 to April 2021. The European Union Partner to Partner Programme (EU P2P) continued promoting cooperation and ca-pacity building activities under all main areas of its activity albeit with less intensity due to limitations posed by the sanitary situation in partner countries across the world.
Authors: PAUWELS Natalie, NAGAN Eran; CHARATSIS Christos, EVERS Johan, CHARDON Stephane, CONSTANTIN Dan, ZANDERS Jean-Pascal

EU P2P Newsletter 11