- Publication date
- 19 January 2024
- Author
- Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
- CBRN areas
- Border control and monitoring
- Denying support for misuse and terrorism
- Illicit trafficking
- Import/export control
- Public health impact mitigation
- Safety and security
- Transit and trans-shipment control
- CBRN categories
- Chemical
- Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
- CoE Publications
- CBRN resources
The Export Control Handbook for Chemicals (2023 edition) contains a detailed mapping of chemicals, around 2000, subject to export controls (restrictions, or prohibitions under sanctions) because of their inclusion in various EU regulations, or the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty.
The handbook helps the users to improve their chemical export compliance by limiting the risk of mistakes and penalties by orienting themselves within a collection of export regulations in force. Another important application of the handbook include facilitating authorities to identify sensitive transactions.
Each chemical is correlated with other data of interest, besides its chemical name: CAS number, control reference codes, EU legislation of reference and the 8-digits code Combined Nomenclature code (CN code) used for declaration purposes at Customs. The export regulations in force included in the handbook are the following:
- Dual-use regulation, (EU) No 2021/821
- The Chemical Weapons Convention (International treaty)
- Chemicals with military applications, 2008/944/CFSP
- Hazardous chemicals, (EU) No 649/2012
- Chemicals included in the anti-torture regulation, (EU) No 2019/125
- Chemicals subject to sanctions for certain countries (Russia, Syria, DPRK and Iran)
- Chemical precursors of explosives, (EU) No 2019/1148
- Chemical precursors of psychotropic and narcotic substances, (EC) No 111/2005