- Publication date
- 1 March 2024
- Authors
- Service for Foreign Policy Instruments | Joint Research Centre
- CBRN areas
- Crisis management
- Denying support for misuse and terrorism
- First response
- Illicit trafficking
- Public and infrastructure protection
- Public health impact mitigation
- Safety and security
- CBRN categories
- Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
- Nuclear
- Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
- CoE Publications
- CBRN resources
This Guiding Document aims to serve as a reference for the organization and implementation of field exercises within the context of the EU CBRN CoE. The document focuses on the organization and implementation of the CBRN Counter-Terrorism Field Exercise ‘ARZ 2021’, which took place in Beirut, Lebanon (6 - 9 December 2021).
The guidance includes information on the format and objectives of the Exercise, the types and roles of participants, materials and tools developed, necessary equipment, organization and logistics, the evaluation process, visibility materials, safety and security issues, COVID-19 measures, the final output of the Exercise, and general recommendations.
This CBRN resource serves as a testament to the power of hands-on learning, partnerships, and the collective commitment to building resilience against CBRN threats.