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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
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Highlights from the CoE’s eight regions

General Factsheets

CoE General Factsheet [English]
General publications17 April 2024
CoE General Factsheet [English]

General Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE intitiative, with date April 2024. --- Network's coverage: 64 Partner Countries grouped around 8 Regions. --- Projects: 104 implemented, 19 ongoing. --- CBRN National Actions Plans: 36 completed, 15 ongoing. --- Expertise: Over 750 experts cooperate within the network.

CoE General Factsheet [French]
General publications17 April 2024
CoE General Factsheet [French]

General Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE intitiative, with date April 2024. --- Network's coverage: 64 Partner Countries grouped around 8 Regions. --- Projects: 104 implemented, 19 ongoing. --- CBRN National Actions Plans: 36 completed, 15 ongoing. --- Expertise: Over 750 experts cooperate within the network.


Regional Factsheets

African EU CBRN CoE Regional Secretariats - Front
General publications5 June 2024
African EU CBRN CoE Regional Secretariats

African EU CBRN CoE Regional Secretariats summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE network in the African continent, with date June 2024, including regional priorities, projects, achievements, and activities, and more.  The factsheet compiles information from three Regional Secretariats: African Atlantic Façade, North Africa and Sahel, and Eastern And Central Africa Partner Countries: Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Côte D’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Lybia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia.

Central Asia - Regional Factsheet
General publications10 May 2023
Central Asia - Regional Factsheet

Central Asia Regional Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE network in the region, with date June 2023, including regional priorities, projects, achievements, and activities --- Partner Countries: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.

Gulf Cooperation Council - Regional Factsheet
General publications18 May 2023
Gulf Cooperation Council - Regional Factsheet

Gulf Cooperation Council Regional Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE network in the region, with date June 2023, including regional priorities, projects, achievements, and activities --- Partner Countries: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, The State of Kuwait, The State of Qatar, The Sultanate of Oman, United Arab Emirates.

Middle East - Regional Factsheet
General publications11 May 2023
Middle East - Regional Factsheet

Middle East Regional Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE network in the region, with date June 2023, including regional priorities, projects, achievements, and activities --- Partner Countries: The Republic of Lebanon, The Republic of Iraq, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Southeast Asia - Regional Factsheet
General publications23 April 2024
Southeast Asia - Regional Factsheet

Southeast Asia Regional Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE network in the region, with date February 2024, including regional priorities, projects, achievements, and activities --- Partner Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam.

South East & Eastern Europe - Regional Factsheet
General publications25 June 2024
South East & Eastern Europe - Regional Factsheet

South East & Eastern Europe Regional Factsheet summarising the key information and main developments around the EU CBRN CoE network in the region, with date June 2024, including regional priorities, projects, achievements, and activities --- Partner Countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine.


Learn more about the CoE network

Discover projects addressing issues ranging from bio-safety, and forensic capacities through to CBRN import/export monitoring.

Discover more about the CoE network’s continuous support to CBRN risk mitigation across the world through a collection of informative outputs.