Description and contribution of the EU CBRN CoE
Georgia was the first country of the CoE network to adopt a CBRN Threat Reduction Strategy, in 2014, and its National Action Plan, in 2015. In 2021, the country updated both strategic documents in accordance with emerging challenges: the Strategy will be active until 2030, and the NAP for 2021-2023. Now, the Georgian CBRN national team is working to update and adopt a new NAP for the period 2024-2026.
Results and impact
Georgian NAP serves as the main document to identify actions and track progress in the implementation of the country’s CBRN Strategy. Both documents aim at setting Georgia’s priorities and objectives to effectively mitigate CBRN risks. The cooperation to implement the NAP has also enhanced the coordination of national team members.
Since July 2013, Georgia hosts the CoE South-East and Eastern Europe Regional Secretariat, in Tbilisi.
Key lessons learned
Successful coordination mechanism and assistance from international partners, such as EU CBRN CoE, UNICRI, and US DTRA are important tools in strengthening national capacities to prevent, detect and respond to CBRN threats.
National team members benefit greatly from the CBRN Strategy and NAP to fill gaps and assess needs for combating CBRN threats.
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