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News about COVID-19 (122)
A recent publication, authored by Emily Valentin Castriciones and Viji Vijayan

COVID-19 is rapidly spreading worldwide and the number of cases is rising with increasing pace, there is a need for immediate targeted actions.

European Union Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Initiative:
11th National Focal Points RTM for Central Asia

Response to the Corona virus emergency

The EU CBRN CoE is contributing to the response against the COVID-19 pandemics
- CoE Region
- CA - Central Asia

On 31 December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown aetiology was reported in China. The epidemic spread progressively

Central Asia: the first stone for the construction of CBRN Forensics Center was laid

The Centres of Excellence are engaged to improve every partner country preparedness, against the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear threat
The “Jeyran” exercises scenario was developed by the organisational and working group

Jointly fighting against CBRN risks and threats around the world - 7th European CBRN Centres of Excellence Meeting