To support the country's development of laboratory core capacity for disease detection, the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Thailand Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) conducted a mapping exercise and assessment of the public health laboratory system in Thailand between November and December 2010.
The recommendations following the assessment indicated areas for further development to meet the mandate of IHR and one of these areas was laboratory biosafety and biosecurity (biorisk management). To respond to this perceived need, WHO in conjunction with the MoPH will implement this project to improve awareness of the importance of biorisk management through the development of training materials and implement a training programme for laboratory staff at subnational level.
1. To introduce bio-risk management to laboratory network under the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
2. To enhance bio-risk mitigation and enforce across the Lao PDR bio-safety and bio-security policy through the development of laboratory capacity building, the provision of training and support to laboratories.
- Reference
- IFS/2012/302252
- Project duration
- 21 Dec 2012 - 30 Jun 2015
- Project locations
- LaosThailand
- CBRN areas
- Bio-safety/bio-security
- CBRN categories
- Biological
- CoE Region
- SEA - Southeast Asia
European Commission
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)
- Website
European Union External Action Service (EEAS)
Expertise France - Agence Francaise D'expertise Technique Internationale (French public agency for international technical assistance) (AFETI)
- Address
- France
- Website
World Health Organisation (WHO)
- Address
- Switzerland
- Website
Institut Pasteur du Lagos (IPL)
- Address
- Laos
- Website