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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • Project

Project 043 (IfS)*: EU Outreach Programme 2015-17 on Export Control of Dual-use goods


Dual-use export controls constitute a key non-proliferation tool, especially in light of evolving proliferation threats, rapid technological and scientific developments and transformations in global economic activity that create new challenges and varying impacts on the global level playing field.
Since 2004, the European Commission has implemented the EU Outreach programme on dual use export controls in third countries. Many partner countries have been supported under this programme, but additional activities are needed, taking into account new and changing proliferation challenges.


The main objective of this programme is to contribute to the creation, consolidation or updating of effective export control systems for dual-use items in partner countries by continuing to offer them a long-term perspective for cooperation. It will contribute to the fight against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by focusing in particular on dual-use materials, equipment, and technology.

CBRN areas
  • Illicit trafficking
  • Import/export control
  • Investigation and prosecution
  • Legal framework
CBRN categories
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear
CoE Region
  • CA - Central Asia
  • GCC - Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
  • MIE - Middle East
  • NAS - North Africa and Sahel
  • SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe



European Commission


Expertise France - Agence Francaise D'expertise Technique Internationale (French public agency for international technical assistance) (AFETI)


This project is part of a pre-existing EU activity in the regions and has not resulted from the submission of a CoE project proposal. Due to the different origin of the project, not all countries involved are CoE partner countries.

** This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

*** This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.