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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • Project

Project 050: Provision of specialised equipment to enhance CBRN preparedness and response capabilities


This is a supply contract to combine the delivery of equipment and the related activities implemented in African Atlantic Facade and Eastern and Central Africa within the CoE project 33 entitled: Strengthening the national CBRN legal framework and provision of specialized and technical training to enhance CBRN preparedness and response capabilities.


The project will deliver the equipment needed to complement the activities implemented within the CoE Project 33.
It will include specific PPE for CBRN agents (protective units and masks, gaz masks, protective eyewear, gloves, boots…)
Portable detectors (CBRN).
Hand-held device to detect radioactivity
Personal electronic dosimeter
Bio collector –detector.
Portable chemical air contamination.
Spectroscopic portable monitor, decontamination device

CBRN areas
  • Crisis management
  • First response
  • Post incident recovery
CBRN categories
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear
CoE Region
  • AAF - African Atlantic Façade
  • ECA - Eastern and Central Africa



European Commission


This project is part of a pre-existing EU activity in the regions and has not resulted from the submission of a CoE project proposal. Due to the different origin of the project, not all countries involved are CoE partner countries.

** This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

*** This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.