PROJECT 054 - European Union Skip to main content
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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • Project

Project 054: Capacity building for medical preparedness and response to CBRN incidents


Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon are currently facing immense challenges, politically and economically as well as in terms of environment, climate and population. The Syrian conflict and refugee crisis have also had tremendous impact on the nations. While Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon have different systems in place for healthcare, they all display fragmented structures where public and private sectors operate without a common or comprehensive approach. Lack of management, duplication of services, poor accessibility, and shortage of skills and services, are just a few examples of problems obstructing healthcare in these nations. While management of the medical effects of a disaster is one of the most difficult tasks to be performed by medical personnel, all three countries share a common interest in improving their national capabilities with respect to medical preparedness and emergency response to CBRN incidents.

Overall objective

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the systems in place for medical preparedness and medical emergency response to CBRN incidents in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon.

Specific objectives

  1. Enhance the capabilities of selected CBRN Emergency Medicine CBRN Training Centres through the provision of CBRN training equipment;
  2. Train the trainers in CBRN Emergency Medical Preparedness and Response;
  3. Standardize procedures for CBRN Emergency Medical Preparedness and Response.


  1. Establishment of National Training Centres in Medical Emergency which are able to provide accredited training programs;
  2. Establishment of policy, guidelines and protocols on medical management and treatment of different CBRN casualties;
  3. Training for medical responders and paramedics (first and secondary) to manage CBRN incidents, both in the field and in the hospital;
  4. Conducting practical exercises in medical response to the CBRN incidents;
  5. Sharing of good practices in some of the PCs in terms of emergency medical services.


  • 3 Fully equipped CBRN Training Centres
    • District Emergency Response Training Centre (DERTC) Baghdad, Iraq
    • Al Zarqa Government Hospital, Al Zarqa, Jordan
    • American University of Beirut Medical Centre, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Development and delivery of a comprehensive training package and CBRNEM Standing Operational Procedures (SOP) in English and Arabic that are currently being utilized by the CBRN CoE Initiative in The Gulf region, South East Asia (SEA) and South East and Eastern Europe (SEEE);
  • A cadre of fully trained CBRNEM ‘Master Trainers’ running regular courses in all 3 Partner Countries;
  • Awareness raising activities at operational and strategic level;
  • Ministers of Health and their staffs briefed in all 3 countries.
CBRN areas
  • Crisis management
  • First response
  • Public health impact mitigation
CBRN categories
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear
CoE Region
  • MIE - Middle East
  • 10 APRIL 2024
Project 054 Factsheet



European Commission


This project is part of a pre-existing EU activity in the regions and has not resulted from the submission of a CoE project proposal. Due to the different origin of the project, not all countries involved are CoE partner countries.

** This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

*** This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.