In 2019, the partner countries of the African Atlantic Façade initiated efforts to develop a Regional CBRN Action Plan. During this process, it became evident that there was a significant knowledge gap regarding CBRNE issues among key managers and operational personnel in these partner countries. Recognizing the necessity to establish a shared culture of safety and security, a CBRNE Master's degree program with a specific focus on Africa was developed.
Drawing upon the expertise gained over the past decade, the Université de Haute Alsace played a crucial role in customizing the CBRNE Master's degree to suit the African context. The program is designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by African countries, ensuring its relevance and applicability in the region.
Overall objective
The objective is to set up and operationalize a Master's level university curriculum by delivering training sessions to key managers and operational personnel in the Africa, leading to a specialized CBRN Master's degree. The first two promotions of the program will be specifically reserved for the partner country of the African Atlantic Façade regional secretariat. The third promotion will include additional French-speaking CoE partner countries, while the fourth promotion will be dedicated to English-speaking CoE partner countries.
Specific objectives
The course will allow participants to:
- Understand the strategies and tools implemented in CBRNE;
- Advice public and private decision makers;
- Understand the security/safety interfaces of private, public or state
organizations; - Understand the stakes and to integrate a CBRN crisis management system;
- Mix together various specialists to foster a transversal approach
- Obtain two university degree: one from the Université de Haute Alsace, recognized by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and one delivered by the African Université international de Rabat
The CBRNE specialized Master’s degree will deliver a 5 time two-weeks training programme adapted to African realities, intended for professionals working in different administrations or companies that may have a particular interest in the CBRNE field. The programme entails also technical live exercises on specialized CBRN platforms.
While the project is still ongoing, the first cohort of trainees – 21 from 6 partner countries, have successfully discussed their thesis and obtained their degree. The second cohort of trainees will graduate in June 2023.
- Reference
- IFS/2020/419-061
- Project duration
- 30 Dec 2020 - 29 Dec 2023
- Project locations
- AlgeriaBeninBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCôte d’IvoireDemocratic Republic of the CongoGabonMaliMauritaniaMoroccoNigerRwandaSenegalTogoTunisia
- CBRN areas
- Crisis management
- Legal framework
- Public and infrastructure protection
- Safety and security
- CBRN categories
- Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
- Nuclear
- CoE Region
- AAF - African Atlantic Façade
- ECA - Eastern and Central Africa
- NAS - North Africa and Sahel
European Commission
European Union External Action Service
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
Université de Haute-Alsace (University of Upper Alsace) (UHA)
Université Internationale de Rabat
- Website