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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • Newsletter

EU P2P Newsletter: Issue N.4


ISSN 1831-9424, JRC106362
Publication date
1 April 2017
Joint Research Centre
Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
  • Newsletter EUP2P


The EU P2P programme continues to promotesecurity objectives in a systematic and cooperative way. Through this programme, the European Union seeks to remain a reliable partner for third countries by enhancing cooperation and sharing export control standards with them. The underpinning objective is to bolster the resilience of third countries in the export control domain and create a win-win situation between partner countries and the European Union.

Authors: CHARATSIS Christos, LEHOFER Wolfgang, CHARDON Stephane, EVERS Johan, CLIFF Caroline, TROUVÉ Vincent, DE LUCA Andrea

EU P2P Newsletter THMB


  • 1 APRIL 2017
EU P2P Newsletter: Issue N.4