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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • Newsletter

EU P2P Newsletter: Issue N.5


ISSN 1831-9424, JRC107699
Publication date
1 September 2017
Joint Research Centre
Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
  • Newsletter EUP2P


Welcome from the European UnionSince our last Newsletter in February, security threats across Eu-rope have regrettably continued to feature large on the interna-tional agenda, making our combined efforts in the area of export controls all the more important. Continued vigilance on export controls is needed to contribute to enhancing global security, while also facilitating legitimate trade.

Authors: CHARATSIS Christos, LEHOFER Wolfgang, CHARDON Stephane, EVERS Johan, CLIFF Caroline, VINCENT Trouve, DE LUCA Andrea, SEVINI Filippo

EU P2P Newsletter 5 THMB


  • 1 SEPTEMBER 2017
EU P2P Newsletter: Issue N.5