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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation
  • Newsletter

EU P2P Newsletter: Issue N.6


ISSN 1831-9424, JRC111581
Publication date
1 April 2018
Joint Research Centre
Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
  • Newsletter EUP2P


Since our last newsleer in September 2017, a number of new developments have taken place under all different projects implemented in the framework of the European Union Partner to Partner Programme (EU P2P). Indeed, this Newsleer covers a period (September 2017 - April 2018) marked by new ini-a-ves and new beginnings for previous projects.

Authors: CHARATSIS Christos, LEHOFER Wolfgang, CHARDON Stephane, EVERS Johan, CLIFF Caroline, SEVINI Filippo, MAIER Eddie, TROUVÉ Vincent, DE LUCA Andrea

EU P2P Newsletter 6 THMB


  • 1 APRIL 2018
EU P2P Newsletter: Issue N.6