- Publication date
- 26 March 2024
- Authors
- Service for Foreign Policy Instruments | Joint Research Centre
- CBRN areas
- Bio-safety/bio-security
- Denying support for misuse and terrorism
- Illicit trafficking
- Import/export control
- Legal framework
- Public health impact mitigation
- Safety and security
- CBRN categories
- Chemical
- Biological
- Publications for CBRN-EUP2P
- CoE Publications
- CBRN resources
The Guide describes supply chain organisation and offers recommendations for its establishment from a risk management approach recognizing that countries have different capacities and resources to secure national supply chains. It analyses the whole spectrum of security measures encompassing storage transportation, storage, distribution and stock management.
The Guide lays a strong emphasis on traceability systems, market surveillance, vigilance and control including reporting systems, including:
- main actors in national supply chain,
- recommendations for customs/borders controls,
- the salient features of online sales of medical products,
- a communication strategy which needs to be in place when a substandard and falsified product is suspected or detected.
This CBRN resource has been produced within the framework of the EU CBRN CoE Project 66 ‘MEDISAFE – Combating illicit traffic and enhancing the safety of medicines in Eastern and Central Africa’.

National Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Security Guide