The CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for the South East and Eastern Europe region is located in Georgia and is hosted by the State Security Service in Tbilisi.
The Secretariat plays a major role in helping achieve the objectives of the CBRN CoE through ensuring a good level of cooperation and coordination among the ten Partner Countries. The Regional Secretariat also provides support with the engagement of regional and international technical partners, potential donors and other stakeholders in the area of CBRN risk mitigation. It contributes to build local ownership and to a greater sustainability of the CBRN CoE network.
- CBRN risk assessment
- CBRN capacity building
- Biosafety and Biosecurity
- CBRN Infrastructure Protection and Security
- Enhance border control of CBRN materials
- CBRN national legislation
- Food Safety and Defense
- CBRN Forensics Capabilities
- Transport safety and security of CBRN materials
- Strategic Trade Control of Dual Use Goods
- CBRN public awareness
29 projects have been implemented in the region, of which the
current 1 is ongoing:
- P88 Strengthening of CBRN Medical Preparedness and P88 Response Capabilities in SEEE countries
Two new project proposals will be launched in the SEEE region
in 2023:
- Enhance the CBRN Critical Infrastructure Protection and Security
- Strengthening of Front-Line Biosafety and Biosecurity Measures
- 19 Regional Round-Table Meetings of the National Focal points were organised. Over 30 workshops were organised with the National CBRN Teams in the region. 10 Online Webinars were organised to discuss the COVID-19 country priorities expressed in the fields of response, exchange of best practice and success stories. 4 practical training sessions on ISO 31000 in Risk Management and CBRN risk assessment were conducted.
- Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, and North Macedonia carried out the Needs Assessment Questionnaire workshops. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have finalised their National CBRN Action Plans (NAP) or similar documents. CBRN donor’s coordination conference will be organised for those countries which have completed the process of developing their CBRN National Action Plans.
- The SEEE CBRN Regional Action Plan was unanimously adopted and endorsed by NFPs of the SEEE region. Countries of the SEEE Region join the European Network of CBRN Training Institutions, titled e-NOTICE Network, after conducting regional awareness-raising workshops.
- The SEEE Region produced the Prosecutor’s Guide to Chemical and Biological Crimesin close coordination with the OPCW and IAP, using regional subject matter expert. Ongoing development of the Prosecutor’s Guide to Radiological and Nuclear Crimes in cooperation with the IAEA, the JRC and the IAP. Four training courses were developed to operationalize these Guidebooks: “Table Top Exercise”, “Building a case for prosecution”, “Mock Trial” and “Train the Trainer”.
Latest news from South East & Eastern Europe

Strategic cooperation advances CBRN preparedness in Southeast and Eastern Europe through national action plans and regional coordination
- CoE Region
- SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

30 professionals participate in four-day capacity-building programme featuring a training and a tabletop exercise simulating a biological hazard scenario at the state border
- CoE Region
- SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe

Ukrainian authorities and international experts participate in EU-supported workshop to enhance the country’s capacities to criminalise CBRN offenses amid growing threats
- CoE Region
- SEEE - South East and Eastern Europe