Description and contribution of the EU CBRN CoE
Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, EU CBRN CoE Project 53* supported a series of training sessions for Kyrgyz laboratory specialists aimed at strengthening competences for the organization of biosafety and biosecurity laboratories, and for the management of risks in biological and medical research. The specialists were also trained to become national trainers on biosafety and biosecurity.
Results and impact
To-date, over 160 medical and veterinary specialists from 84 laboratories in the Kyrgyz Republic have been trained in disease prevention and state sanitary epidemiological surveillance. The project also provided lab equipment and consumables for the trainings.
The curricula introduced was adopted for continuous education programmes delivered at the Kyrgyz Medical Institute for Training and Re-Training of Public Health Personnel.
Key lessons learned
The project proved to be successful in accomplishing sustainability of its interventions. Firstly, by engaging the national education institutions into the delivery of trainings; and secondly, through the introduction of training curricula into the current public health education system.
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